Hi, hi! For everyone following me, I’ve been very busy lately, so as for the time being I won’t be accepting any new roleplay’s! Everyone I’m currently rp-ing with, we’re free to continue, it just may take me longer to respond than usual!
Hi, hi! For everyone following me, I’ve been very busy lately, so as for the time being I won’t be accepting any new roleplay’s! Everyone I’m currently rp-ing with, we’re free to continue, it just may take me longer to respond than usual!
Pms are dead. This place is desolate and sad now.
Wattpad, the only thing which I have to say to you is, learn how to supply a thriving and active community which makes up a good percentage of your app usage.
For any of my associates who I RP with, Due to Wattpads stupidity PM’s are being taken from us, if you’d still like some privacy my discord is in my bio!
Dudes. I just played 24 games of tennis (2 set). Oke singles which I won, 8-4. And one doubles I lost because we were stuck in Deuces purgatory for so long, 6-4. Needless to say, my legs are in pain.