
When is Ben Parker story go be done it good


@Narutouchihan450 *Note that I've written a few more chapters that are all on Patreon. I'll release all off them slowly as time passes.


@Narutouchihan450 Thank you for the compliment. For now, I have no plan to continue further that particular book. My reasons are two-fold: One, I want to focus on my Original book. That's the one I enjoy writing more. Second, I feel too constrained within the Marvel Universe. Sure there are plenty of stuff to write about, but at the end of the day, it's not my universe with my rules and my characters. It may seem like strange reason if you never wrote before, but I can tell you that it's the main reason why most Fanfiction are dropped.
            In any case, there might be some cameos in my future books with the Parkers. Maybe some special chapters that are not cannon? I'm not sure.