
Used my emoji book to share some requested info with Admin who stepped up for a contest I recently was in and judging from that went a bit off the rails. Thanks for your patience - I'll delete the faux chapter soon. 


Hiya. You should definitely add your stories in the wattys! 


@Mei_Ami We haven't actually but our other bestfriend has. I am sure she'd be willing to help you out ^^


You really think so? I'm still really new on here and learning the ropes. Have either of you entered before? I'd love any advice! ☺️


Hiya. I have just published the prologue of my story. It's called Mother and Daughter. It's a paranormal story which will have lots of twists in the future. I really hope you'll be able to check it out and provide a feedback to encourage me to update more chapters soon!