
CHAPTER 13 of THE VEIL, will see us get to know Loi Kilhoinan better, the shapeshifter/spy who holds the key to escaping through the Veil for any who are not in Dein's exploratory party! 
          	A friend to Hess and Moilen? A lone wolf in search of an escape? Still loyal to Roku? No one knows the motives or thoughts that drive Loi, but we are about to find out more about one of The Veil's most mysterious characters!!
          	If you are enjoying The Veil please do leave a review! Thanks!


CHAPTER 13 of THE VEIL, will see us get to know Loi Kilhoinan better, the shapeshifter/spy who holds the key to escaping through the Veil for any who are not in Dein's exploratory party! 
          A friend to Hess and Moilen? A lone wolf in search of an escape? Still loyal to Roku? No one knows the motives or thoughts that drive Loi, but we are about to find out more about one of The Veil's most mysterious characters!!
          If you are enjoying The Veil please do leave a review! Thanks!


          Please head to my profile to read the latest chapter of my ongoing sci-fi epic THE VEIL! 
          Hess, Moilen and Loi head to Tobos, the airbase made famous by its incredibly pilots, inpenetrable fortress and ruthless training techniques!
          Please do give it a try and let me know what you think!! I have a couple of short stories that expand on the world of the Veil coming soon too!


          Another Veil inspired Short Story that will be coming later in the year, The Legend of the Moak-Ili tells the story of the greatest of all Moaks and the figure that all future Moak's revered and prophesises would return in some form, The Moak-Ili is the symbol of hope for a race long devoid of it, and this is the story of that great legend.
          There is lots more to come from The Veil, more chapters, and a few more short stories to build the world, so please let me know what you think!


          From the world of The Veil, comes the short story: THE TOBOS WARS!!!
          The story of the home of Moilen, the infamous airbase built inside an asteroid field, and its chaotic, bloodthirsty, ruthless journey into oblivion!  
          (Hoping to have this short story up over the next few months, as well as continuing with my ongoing sci-fi epic, THE VEIL, please do check it out!)


Sorry that there haven't been any new chapters of my book The Veil recently, I have just been travelling back home with my family, so had to take a little break, but chapter 12 will be ready soon!!
          If you havent already, please do check it out, and let me know what you think!


CHAPTER 12 OF THE VEIL is coming very soon, and we will be heading to Moilen's home, the Tobos Airbase! 
          Tobos is unlike anywhere else in the entire original universe......a collossal airbase constructed on a giant asteroid surrounded by thousands more asteroids! It is also where all of the universes best pilots comes from, including Moilen!
          If you want to read more, please head to my profile to check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks!


Here is a snippet from the beginning of chapter 12 of my ongoing sci fi epic, The Veil!!! Please give it a try and let me know what you think, and if you could leave a review I would be very grateful!
          Moilen used to describe Tobos Airbase as a “spinning prison” to anyone who asked about his former home, and for the most part that was right. Tobos was unlike anywhere else in the original universe. It was the biggest, most successful and most renowned airbase in the universe, and was made up of a vast collection of buildings, training centres, research facilities and aircraft hangars, not to mention the many, many homes that lined the perimeter of the base. All of this was miraculously constructed on a giant, constantly spinning asteroid, that itself was surrounded by thousands and thousands more gigantic asteroids that acted as the perfect defence for this once great fortress. Moilen never considered it great however, as he was one of the many millions of recruits snatched from their homes at a young age and put through the vigorous, brutal and inhumane training that Tobos was known for. It may have turned him into one of the greatest pilots Tobos had ever seen, but it broke him along the way, such was the ‘Tobos way’.


Chapter 11 is now up and ready to read, and I would really appreciate it if you could let me know what you think and even leave me a review!! 
          We rejoin Dein, Ikel and Tra back on Grol-IV, as preparations are made for the great journey! 
          In Chapter 12 we will be rejoining Hess and Moilen on their journey to the veil, but not before a detour to Moilen's old stomping ground!
          Thanks everyone!


Chapter 11 is now live, and ready to read!! 
           The latest chapter of my ongoing sci-fi novel, The Veil, is finished, and we rejoin Ikel, Tra and their kids as they deal with the consequences of their actions after the Manno-Grols grand announcement!
          We also are thrust back into the scheming world of Dein, The Manno-Grol, as he prepares to fulfil his destiny, whilst putting plans in place that will stop anyone from getting in his way!
          If you like the sound of this, or are enjoying it already, please do let me know what you think and leave a review! 
          Thanks so much!