Here is a snippet from the beginning of chapter 12 of my ongoing sci fi epic, The Veil!!! Please give it a try and let me know what you think, and if you could leave a review I would be very grateful!
Moilen used to describe Tobos Airbase as a “spinning prison” to anyone who asked about his former home, and for the most part that was right. Tobos was unlike anywhere else in the original universe. It was the biggest, most successful and most renowned airbase in the universe, and was made up of a vast collection of buildings, training centres, research facilities and aircraft hangars, not to mention the many, many homes that lined the perimeter of the base. All of this was miraculously constructed on a giant, constantly spinning asteroid, that itself was surrounded by thousands and thousands more gigantic asteroids that acted as the perfect defence for this once great fortress. Moilen never considered it great however, as he was one of the many millions of recruits snatched from their homes at a young age and put through the vigorous, brutal and inhumane training that Tobos was known for. It may have turned him into one of the greatest pilots Tobos had ever seen, but it broke him along the way, such was the ‘Tobos way’.