
Hello my amazing and beautiful puppies and kittens! Cameron here! And you may be thinking 'cameron? What happened to kari?' Well this is me officially coming out as gender fluid on here! Nothing is changing besides my name, stories will stay the same, just under a different name! So that's all for now! Bye bye! -Cameron


Hello my amazing and beautiful puppies and kittens! Cameron here! And you may be thinking 'cameron? What happened to kari?' Well this is me officially coming out as gender fluid on here! Nothing is changing besides my name, stories will stay the same, just under a different name! So that's all for now! Bye bye! -Cameron


Hello my amazing and beautiful puppies and kitties! Kari here! I have a update involving next week. So if you guys are not aware I am getting my wisdom teeth removed next Wednesday, and I will not be writing. If you are aware of my current schedule then you would know that I'm only writing new friends and I publish a chapter daily. So I am prewriting hopefully enough chapters that will last until I'm recovered but I am putting my cousin in charge of my profile and books. She will be publishing 1 chapter a day so the schedule will not change. Anyways that's all bye bye! -kari