
Happy July 4th everyone, apologies for the lack of updates. I recently found a new job and it's kept me pretty preoccupied so I can't say for sure when story updates will occur but I do try to work on them whenever I have the time. 
          	I hope you all of a good rest of your day!


Happy July 4th everyone, apologies for the lack of updates. I recently found a new job and it's kept me pretty preoccupied so I can't say for sure when story updates will occur but I do try to work on them whenever I have the time. 
          I hope you all of a good rest of your day!


Finals are over! This school year has definitely been rough on the emotions and mindset but I pushed through it and I hope that many of you can say the same and offer support to those that cannot. 
          As for my schedule, I can't say if it will be changed all that much as while yes I don't have any classes over the summer, I am preparing to have a summer job with a interview lined up next week. 
          Hopefully it isn't too tiring as I will definitely try to publish more chapters of the Dragon Ball story and then move on to others once V2(V2.5 Ice Queendom + Aftermath) of it is fully completed. 
          For that reason, I want to ask you which story you want updated after this project of mine is completed. 
          Thank you all for the support you have all given me since I started as we're close to over 1K Followers and that is awesome. 
          Have a wonderful rest of your days, peace! 


or silenced dragon


maiden of dawn and damged kisune plz


Hello, everyone. 
          I'm sorry for the hiatus and slow uploads I wanted to enjoy my birthday week and spring break. 
          I also heard the unfortunate news that Roosterteeth has shut down and have just recently learned the Akari Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball has passed away. 
          This more than saddens me due to the fact that Dragon Ball has been such an major piece of entertainment in my life as the message that hard work and effort allow to reach new heights has always motivated to work harder in whatever I want to achieve in school, writing, hell anything that provides me the chance to grow. 
          I honestly cannot believe that this is real and for that reason, I want to thank Toriyama for creating such a fun and powerful work of art and that you will be deeply missed. 
          For that reason, I will continue to work on the Dragon Ball story until I reach a point that satisfies me. 
          I apologize for everyone that wants a different story and I'm definitely not going to ignore my other works and will work behind the scenes to make numerous chapters to publish in the future. 


@CameronKiller535 Akira Toriyama. My apologies for the mistype. 


Oh and  happy late birthday 


@CameronKiller535 wait Rooster Teeth has shut down?!


Hello everyone! 
          I wanted to both thank you all and provide an update on some stories. 
          Firstly, thank you all for the support as I'm currently at 900 Followers which is pretty awesome and I can't be thankful enough that people actually like my dumb stories that I do for fun. 
          As for story updates, I have been working on them behind the scenes as some new stories are also in the works currently whenever I'm free from college work and whatnot. 
          I can't say exactly when new chapters will be posted but I will try to have one or two done for February. 
          Other than that, I want to thank you all again for getting me this far as like I said these stories are for fun and I'm glad you guys read them to have a brief time of enjoyment. 
          I hope you all have a great rest of your day. 


@CameronKiller535 Congrats man! Feel free to take your time, don't overwork yourself 


@CameronKiller535 its all good. As long as you do upload. Take your time if you need it.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


@CameronKillee535 Merry Christmas to you and have a fun time with your family or friends 


@CameronKillee535 Merry Christmas to you and have a fun time with your family or friends 


Early Merry Christmas Everyone! I have returned from the panic and anxiety realm of University with a full on multi-post for FRAGMENTED REALM PATROLLER as the full Volume Two Saga of that story has just now been published so feel free to read it whenever you feel like. 
          As for the Red Lotus Readers, Volume One will be completed by the end of the month hopefully. 
          Thank you all for the constant support despite my long hiatus, I hope you enjoy the holidays with your families and loved ones. 
          Have a great Christmas!


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm sorry for the lack of updates, college has been keeping me busy and has definitely taken a toll on my mental state in some cases that lead to a full on mental breakdown in addition to the existential crisis and anxiety of the future that we probably all share. 
          Anyways let's put aside the negative thoughts for now and be thankful for the circumstances and love we have been given and hope that better times are indeed ahead for us experiencing difficult times. 
          Thank you all for the support and have a blessed with your family and loved ones. 


Your good take your time make sure you enjoy what you do and don’t burn yourself out