
Haha u have the funniest thing 2 say


@birdsflying yep :) have you figured it out yet? If not, go to your profile(I assume you're already there if you're reading this message lol xP), click 'edit'(this button is under your 'about me', and then at the top of the page there will be a thing that says 'Change your account information and privacy sttings' and then under that there will be a thing that says your username (I will show you what it looks like)
          Username: birdsflying 'change'
          Okay, so beside your username, there will be a button that says 'change' (it's in blue). Then you click on it (lol) and ya...that's it... Bahahahahhaa
          Lol, that was such a detailed explanation XP lol