
Should I make 'flames' a huskerdust story or keep it radiodust? More chapters coming soon!!


          	  Keep the radio lustful


Christmas time is here! That mean it's almost the two year anniversary of 'Weak' the pilot. I'll try to get the rewritten chapters out soon. I want them to be perfect for you guys. To re release these I am going to be unreleasing past chapters, so if you don't see them, that's why. Merry Christmas everyone, take care of yourselves okay?


I think I'm go through Weak again, I feel I wrote it with a clear vision in my mind, I want it to be emotional and real, while I think I did an alright job I feel I can do even better. So comment below if you have any constructive criticism you would like to leave about my story. I'd love to here.


The topic of trans rights mainly in America and England right now is disgusting. I am so horrified that young people are being stripped of there rights to be whoever they want and are being treated like freaks who need help. WE ARE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. As a trans person in England I do not feel safe in my own school, in shops, peers treat me as a confused and weird person. And I know this isn't only me, and I'm so sorry that this is happening to anyone. All we can do is stand up and try to be louder than all of the brainless people who believe it is a good thing to destroy people lives simply based off of the gender they identify as.


@Cameroon_Maceroon If they were to be cut, they would bleed, just like everyone else, were all just human, and there is no changing that. but we need to except that we will never be the same as someone else. If we don't, the world is going to be a pretty shitty place for awhile.


I'm not feeling Flames rn, should I keep writing it? Idk if you are interested in it. Should I keep writing? I have other stories in mind, maybe ones outside of the fanfic universe, proper novels. Idk, need everyone's opinion lol


@L1ttle_Fr13nd I'll continue that then! And thanks : )


Love your writings, maybe you can write on Imperfect? You're stories are great.


Hello everyone! I hope your having a good day/night! This is just a little announcement on my horrible writing schedule, no, I will not be writing any new chapter soon. I'm so sorry, I will write again, I'm just taking a probably long hiatus, I am so so sorry, life is very odd rn lol. I hope you all will still be here when I come back, love you all! Have a great day/night!!!! Love you all❤️❤️