
Can't wait!!


Hi Camille ! (: I wrote the strictly sexual story that you wanted me to update. Certain things made it impossible for me to get back on for a while, and it's been hard to update. But I got back on and I remembered ! And I said I would dedicate the next chapter to you, but I was wondering how you would feel if I dedicated a character to you. The only reason I ask, is because of the nature of the story, so I might have the character either be a hookup for Ava, or a close friend, possibly a love interest . I just wanted your input before I write it in (: I was planning on just using your name Camille and not the last if you didn't want me to, but the dedication would go out to you. And if you're not into girls or anything I could clarify that when I dedicate it. Lol. Lemme know (: