okay so..perro like..i tried to update my stories on my ipad and u know what's sad..? that moment you finish writing, press save and wattpad says that theres an internal error and i cant friggin save what i wrote...
;___; WHY?!?! Ahhhh and i can't write on the computer cause.. *cough cough* fam doesnt know about that yaoi life >_>. So i have to rewrite shits thru my effing phone and i didnt want to do that DX. Do you know how hard it is to type and write on the struggle...HM?! WATTPAD OAO.. please fix T.T thats all i gotta say.. i needed to rant and by god this was the worst day ever. brain hurts..fingers dont wanna type. I'll post things tomorrow. I have no school cause of the blizzard so y'know..yaoi galore *flies off on nyan cat*