"e v e r y t h i n g  i want, but n o t h i n g  i'll ever regret."

- im camryn, but i really prefer cam or cammie
- im 16 years old and counting
- i want to visit wales someday

"those who mind don't m a t t e r, and those who matter don't m i n d."

- @Wanderrlust : you make my day. srsly
- @tryingnottofall : you're everything i want to be
- @simplytessa : please bake me more pecan pies im in love

"one must always be careful with books because books have the power to change us."

- The Shadowhunter Chronicles
- Divergent Trilogy
- The Selection Trilogy
- The Delirium Trilogy
- The Shatter Me Trilogy
-many more im too lazy to type
  • illea
  • JoinedMay 2, 2013
