
Random Check-in: (just cause it's been a long time)
          	I'm still very much alive and still writing, thank you. Still working on my stories, Ninjago's Destiny and Quarantined Ninjago, for anyone wondering. I wouldn't be surprised due to my extremely large gaps between each chapter . Thank you for anyone still reading those and for my followers.
          	Catch you on the flip side!


Random Check-in: (just cause it's been a long time)
          I'm still very much alive and still writing, thank you. Still working on my stories, Ninjago's Destiny and Quarantined Ninjago, for anyone wondering. I wouldn't be surprised due to my extremely large gaps between each chapter . Thank you for anyone still reading those and for my followers.
          Catch you on the flip side!


PEOPLE! IMPORTANT! I'm going to take a little break. Cause I have a life also. So I won't post anything starting TODAY - January 5th, or maybe a little over that. I don't excatly have a fixed date for when I'm coming back, but it's somewhere in January. So viewers, commenters, readers, followers, haters, stay tuned and stay safe! Buh-bye!


Hey everyone! Guess what? I'm starting a new story, lego ninjago the series. It's called "Ninjago's Destiny". If you've known me a few months back, I actually abandoned thi story, and deleted it. But I've started it back up again! With a whole new personality, for the main character! Check it out, thanks!


@Camo_Cynthia this is gonna be fun to read


Hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted, because I just recently completed one of my stories LEGO Ninjago the movie Glitched Wind. I’m starting a new story called Quarantined Ninjago. You can read all about it in the description. Cya!


Hello people of the universe, now I am posting this message, cuz, you’re probably wonderin, GIRL! It’s legit been TWO DECADES since you’ve last posted, and, I know, I know, I’m just really- dunno, haven’t been having the feel, ya know? Sooo I will post ASAP! Anyways, after one of my stories is finished I will be making another one real soon. Here’s a hint. It’s about LEGO Ninjago, and it starts with a “Q”. That’s all for now, cya!