
Hey guys so a few things
          	1.i am discontinuing my adopted by heathers I  haven't found motivation and I have like zero time because I have to go to in-person school 
  going to start ranting so move along if you don't wanna here/read me rant and here is your suicide warning as well 
 , my mom is like super over protective so there are some musicals that if I bring up she will most likely give me a 5 hour lecture on why that musical is bad and one of the musicals that has a song in it that LITERALLY stopped me from suicide I can't talk about because if I do you bet I am going to get my ass whooped can you guess what song, "you will be found" from DEH. I'm also bi and my parents are homophobic so... anyway I'm sorry for ranting I just really need to talk to someone ok bye and expect more rants


Hey guys so a few things
          1.i am discontinuing my adopted by heathers I  haven't found motivation and I have like zero time because I have to go to in-person school 
 going to start ranting so move along if you don't wanna here/read me rant and here is your suicide warning as well 
, my mom is like super over protective so there are some musicals that if I bring up she will most likely give me a 5 hour lecture on why that musical is bad and one of the musicals that has a song in it that LITERALLY stopped me from suicide I can't talk about because if I do you bet I am going to get my ass whooped can you guess what song, "you will be found" from DEH. I'm also bi and my parents are homophobic so... anyway I'm sorry for ranting I just really need to talk to someone ok bye and expect more rants


Two maby five minutes later Jess came in to check on me "oh hey Jess" I said sounding little nervous 
          "Are you ok you look like you just saw a ghost" Jess said kinda fast and out of breath ha maybe I did just see a ghost but I couldn't tell her 
          "No I'm fine just got startled" 
          "Ok well I have to go now see you later"and before I could say bye she left I sat on the couch hopeing I would not see the ghost again but as soon as I thought that she came back ghost Chandler in all her glory 
          "Close call there" 
          "Yeah, I guess" I said still not believing  I was talking to a ghost but I guess I am 
          "Remember you can't tell anyone now would you like to meet the boys" ghost Chandler said but before I could reply Ryan came he always came in to check on me when mama couldn't 
          "Hey Ryan goes the show" 
          "It's going good I don't have to be back for another few minutes so wanna talk?" He asked 
          "Sure! Come sit" I said happy to see him unfortunatly Chandler was still here but Ryan could not see her so that good I guess "so what did you put in the slushy cup this time for mama"
          "Well, this time o acctually put a slushy in it"
          "Boring" I said jokingly we both laughed 
          "Well, it is a slushy cup" 
          "Yep I guess" 
          "See you later I got to go have fun" 
          "Bye!" I said yeah fun with these crazy ghost so much fun...
          "So who was that?" Chandler asked the boys behind her
          "Ryan he's like my dad" I said 
          "Oh who dose he play well actually by his outfit I assume jessy James" Chandler said 
          "Omg why do you always call me that you are so annoying"what I assume ghost jd said but I honestly have no clue 
          "Yes, he dose but can you guess please leave me alone I don't want ghost following  me everywhere I go" i said annoyed even though that have only been here for like 20 minutes 
          "We will see" Chandler said in her usually sassy tone


It looked almost like Jess in her Chandler costume. But she was s-see through like a g-ghost. I was about to say something but the...ghost? said something before I could speak 
          "Why hello" she said I was so confused I thought I was seeing something so I rubed my eyes after I did she said something 
          "Oh sweetie this is not a dream I'm heather Chandler if you must know. You?" I didn't know what to say so I 
          just said "your the one haunting me shouldn't you know also, why me?" I said sounding just as sassy as her 
          "Isn't that kinda obvious. You are the one who has a mother playing the lead role for my story on broadway. Now what's you name?" I was confused HER story what's does she mean bye HER story "I'm k-Kat and what do you mean by YOUR story?" Was Heathers a real thing NO Kat it can't be Can it?  
          "Yep, my story I'm surprised you don't know we'll know one really dose but I died from Veronica and jessy James oh am Kurt and ram are here to no clue were they are though and jessy James also have no clue where he is" Heather replied what omg so it is real what wait how I had a panicked expression on my face and I think she could tell because she said 
          "Don't worry you will be fine just don't tell anyone because you will pay and you are the only one who can see us" and just like that she disappeared poof gone


Barret came rushing in while Alice and Ryan were comforting me after I I started crying 
          "Kat what's wrong are you ok"mama said I was to busy trying to calm down that Alice had answers for me 
          "She had a panic attack about her dad she is calming down now" Alice said sympathy in her voice 
          "Aww baby, come with me I want to get some food in you stomach and calm down Ryan, Alice you wanna come too?" Mama asked 
          Alice replied " I would but I have to get ready Jess I think is free though and Elle" 
          "Yes, unfortunatly I have to get ready to but I will see y'all soon" Ryan replied I was sad they had to go but at least I get to see Jess and Elle I ran and gave them both a hug before hoping into Jess' dressing room and scaring her
          "AHH! Kat you always manage to scare me how are you doing?"Jess asked i said "good do you have time to hangout with me and mama in her dressing room"
          "Sure Elle I think was heading to Barrets room so let's just have a pre-show party at Barrets room" she giggled and so did I 
          -about 20 minutes later-
          "Ok bye mama have fun out there" I said as mom was about to leave to go on stage 
          " see you later Kat love you" she hugged me and went off I walked back into the room and saw something weird in the corner of her dressing room something strange
          A/N:haha cliffhanger


"MAMA" I yelled running out of my room wearing my new black boots "I'm ready can we go I want to have more free time with the cast" 
          "Ok let's go also Ryan is going to take you to get slushys with him after the second show" barret said me and Ryan always get slushys after two show days it's our tradition 
          "Ok, I AM GOING TO WIN" I rushed out of the apartment and ran to find mamas car she came running behind me after I was already standing by the car "Haha Kat wins again" I giggled 
          "I suppose you did now let's go don't wanna be late now do we" mom said I was so exited for today 
          -timeskip brought to you by a lazy author-
          I ran into the theatre and went backstage I saw Ryan but his back was facing me and he was talking to Alice so I ran up behind him and hugged Him "HI" I said 
          "Hi kat ready for slushys" he said of course I was I was so happy to see him he is like my dad... my... dad ....MY DAD omg what if he comes and get my family I started having a panic attack
          "Hey Kat breathe in and out calm down you are ok" I then snapped back into reality I looked up at him 
          "My dad I replied" no comment he just gave me a hug 
          A/N: HEYO!! Second chapter I am sorry they are so short it's just I am only aloud to type 2000 letters so I will post another one soon


"Dad no stop it stop I did not do it I promise" 
          "yes you did now give me you arm"
           my dad said he was about to punch it when I woke up in a cold sweat being embraced by my mother, barret " I- mom I didn't do it I didn't do it" I told my mom scared to death she would hurt me, she then spoke up "
          " aww, kat was it another nightmare" and as if she could read my mind she said 
          "I won't EVER hurt you I promise that" she said sounding serious "I have a two show day today if you want to come you can maybe that will cheer you up" 
          I jumped of my bed and said "Will I get to see Ryan and Jess and Elle and-" she cut me off before I could finish 
          "Yes of course but make sure you stay in my dressing room during the show we have to leave in 30 you had a long nap so get ready"
          I new I would have to stay in the dressing room unless I had to go to the bathroom that was the number one rule so mama would never lose me "ok love you" I said 
          "Love you too"
          A/N:first chapter!! I really hope y'all like it.


Plot: when Katherine was younger her parents got divorced and she had to live with her dad. Her dad abused her so much so she decided to run away. 2 years later she know lives with barret Wilbert weed and her life could not be more amazing. Barret is Veronica in heathers so she got to see it a few times. But what happens when she finds out that heathers was a real thing and she is now being haunted by the ghost
          A/N: so here is the plot of my story  I hope you like it also I have school today in person so that is why I am posting early. Also today's my birthday! Ok have a good day slushys


@vee_sarkisian also if school doesn't get in the way to much I might post my first chapter today


@vee_sarkisian thank you also I don't know if you now who Katherine Steele is but that's where the name came from 


HEY GUYS!! So I have a few things to say 
          1. I am making a new story I will post the plot soon 
 guys are called slushys 
          3. You guys can call me Meg 
          If you are interested in the story PLEASE let me know I don't wanna write it and have no one read it 
          Ok that's all bye slushys