
I'm thinking of starting a novel series. The first book will be about Max preventing the invasion of Australia. Then in the next book he will have to resurrect America after it has been invaded as well as assassination contracts on his head as well as overcoming personal emotions. Then in the series finale, Max will attempt to cut the head off the snake and revive the globe from terrorism and protect his loved ones. 


Hey Campbell, I'm reading one of your stories, it's really good so far but it would help if it had a few breaks every so often, cause it's in a huge block, and it kinda feels like it's gonna take forever to read. I'm not judging or criticising, I'm just giving you some advice.
          From Kesty 


I'm thinking of starting a novel series. The first book will be about Max preventing the invasion of Australia. Then in the next book he will have to resurrect America after it has been invaded as well as assassination contracts on his head as well as overcoming personal emotions. Then in the series finale, Max will attempt to cut the head off the snake and revive the globe from terrorism and protect his loved ones.