
when you come out as ftm and your mum buys you the most feminine things she can just to let you know that she doesn't accept you and never will


@CamrenCabellgay97 awww that sucks *hugs you* you got me to support you 


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I made one little mistake and I lost everything.... I tried moving on..... I tried to get over her and accept it but I can't and I don't think I ever will..... I've lost the love of my life... only within the last few months did I notice that and I hate myself for not realizing sooner.... God I hate myself so fucking much
          I don't know what I can do anymore.... I break down every night because I lost her. I need her. I need to be with her.... but I can't... I ruined that all because I miss read a text message.... I've given up. I can't handle the guilt or the pain... If she's gone I want to be there with her
              I need to be with my Mariposa.... I need Dylan


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Protect my heart.... Bullshit. Don't tease me expecting me not to get hurt 


You don't understand how much I've been hurt... I'm sorry 


Why won't people let me kill myself? Wtf is the point of staying? 


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@Captain_Insane so I'm just supposed to stay in this fucking hellhole wanting to die more and more each day just because you can't lose me?? 


@CamrenCabellgay97 because you mean something to me and i don't want to lose you 