
Okay everyone this is really weird lol. I joined wattpad again after like 3 years or something. Idrk what I'm going to be doing here, but I'm here!


@Canadian__trash  Welcone back! Also sorry for being annoying xD


Gimme something to attempt to write about for Hetalia


@Canadian__trash  agsty Canada fic? Or a crossover? With avengers? Pjo/hoo? Hp?


heno ppl of the world. I have been gone for a long time. well my phone broke so I couldn't really use wattpad. Anyways, recently I've been shipping a lot of obscure ships like RomChu (China and Rome) CuCan (Cuba and Canada) and Edelweiss (Switzerland and Austria) even tho am a multi shipper I still have these main ships in the front of my mind. So basically give me ships that YOU ship and I will do my best to write them in a one shot book. Then the ships I like I could maybe turn into a whole fic! also srry for the really bad grammar and shitty typing. I'm doing this on a glitchy old tablet feel my pain ;-;


You know when you're in a certain fandom, that, yes it exists! But its so small only because the main demographic of the show its from isn't into fan culture, and so in the community you don't say you read fanfic of it, or need fanart but you salute those brave souls making fanart and fanfics? 
          Yea, thats my life in a nutshell 


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          ₊  ˚ .༄   ☁︎︎   ₊  ˚   .  ༄  ₊  ☁︎︎  ˚   . ༄   ₊  ☁︎︎ ˚   .༄
          I tried to follow you cause I saw you in a book >~< you comments were funny ! 
          I then realized I hit my follow limit !!! 
          I'm following you on my admin account when I switch to it I swear- 
          ˚    ✫     ˚ .      
          . ·    +             


            Thank you >~< I came back on too see my admin acc wasn't following you and now I'm :'3 


@Mt-Lady  ;v; I think you're pretty cool too


@Canadian__trash gah ! No problem like I find you supper cool ! (╥﹏╥)