
OKAY so I’m coming out of a NASTY depressive episode and that’s why I haven’t been updating, sorry hfkskfjjs- I’m actually working on the EddsWorld idea and I should update at least one thing soon!! That’s basically it, have a nice day :D


@CandiedArithmetic I hope you get better, I LOVE YOUR STORIESSSS


OKAY so I’m coming out of a NASTY depressive episode and that’s why I haven’t been updating, sorry hfkskfjjs- I’m actually working on the EddsWorld idea and I should update at least one thing soon!! That’s basically it, have a nice day :D


@CandiedArithmetic I hope you get better, I LOVE YOUR STORIESSSS


I'm kind of tempted to screw around and create an EddsWorld fanfiction. I left the fandom a while ago but I was always interested in how Tom's brain worked- it's canon that he has some serious childhood trauma (and that he drinks likely to forget about it), and I feel like it'd be fun to explore his brain. How would things affect him? How would he feel in canon (such as The End) and fanon (joining the Red Army- it's only fanon, as far as I know) situations? Does his religion affect him at all (such as guilt with his drinking)? I'm not sure if I'm going to write it, or share it if I did write it, but again, I just feel like it would be really interesting to see how that would all realistically affect him. That's all, I hope anyone reading this has a nice day/night! :)


@CandiedArithmetic   That sounds really cool, actually and I would DEFINITELY read it if you wrote that :O


Soooo.. I’m have lacked some serious motivation for a while. I partially updated a story but didn’t publish it and the progress didn’t save, sadly, so I’ve gotta write the chapter again. As soon as I have access to my computer again I will try to update because I know my motivation won’t come back unless I do. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been updating (because I know how frustrating it is) and I’ll try my best to pick up the pace or publish a few chapters at once to make up for it. I hope you have a nice day/night!! :)


Thank you both!! That’s really kind of you :)


Take all the time you need! It’s completely ok, and it’s your story. Motivation comes and goes, I get it. (PS.- Sorry abt ur compute problem)


@CandiedArithmetic   Don’t apologize. You come before your stories, okay? Take care of yourself!! 
            If you don’t have motivation, we can wait for a little bit, that’s perfectly fine. 
            Quantity < quality ^^
            And YOU have a good day/night <3