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oh god this shit aint wheelchair accessible


Good morning fellow homos. As it turns out, today is a very special day. Once again, the gods have dropped their blessings upon me, and gifted me with only the best dish on this planet, aside from the delectable cuisine that is mashed poto. Yes, you may have already guessed, but today I did indeed dine on some tasty ass fettucini. However, today it was a little different. Today, I had spinach fettucini at my good friend Kyle's humble abode. It was pretty tasty, even if my face was completely frozen from being at la dentist. So yeah, I'd rate today's dinner a -5/10. :)


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Hello gaymers. Yesterday, I happened to be fucking gaymin, when I was suddenly summoned by the ether gods to the kitchen. I will cut this story short because it's kinda gay, so I'll just tell y'all what the fuck is up. There was chicken fettuccini on a plate, and yeah. I ate dat bitch. #YOLOSWAG


Good evening gamers. It has been a while since my last meal (seafood fettuccini), and I would like to make some good ol’ fashioned fettuccini alfredo this time around. However, I lack a recipe. If anyone could drop off a recipe and slide it into my DM’s, that would be epic. Catch ya later gamers.