
Hey guys! This is @brookelilac and I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for dragging on the contest for this long, it’s so embarrassing :( It’s just, I’ve been going through a lot, and when I started this community, everything was running smoothly for me. 
          	Well, anyway, today I’m going to post a list of all the entries for the remaining genres so that the judging can be expedited. 
          	I’m really sorry for taking so long, I swear, I usually don’t take this long for contests, the results are usually out within a month or two. I hope you understand. I’ll post all the lists today and the judging can begin for all genres. 
          	Thank you for reading!


Hey guys! This is @brookelilac and I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for dragging on the contest for this long, it’s so embarrassing :( It’s just, I’ve been going through a lot, and when I started this community, everything was running smoothly for me. 
          Well, anyway, today I’m going to post a list of all the entries for the remaining genres so that the judging can be expedited. 
          I’m really sorry for taking so long, I swear, I usually don’t take this long for contests, the results are usually out within a month or two. I hope you understand. I’ll post all the lists today and the judging can begin for all genres. 
          Thank you for reading!


this is @brookelilac here, and i’m in charge of the awards. Since it’s taking so long for all the genres to fill up, I’m closing the awards and we’ll judge the books currently entered. 
          I also want to apologize for my late replies and inactiveness... I’m a junior in high school and when i started this account it seemed like a good idea— anyway, I’m really sorry. Thank you for understanding.


@Notoneblonde yeah haha i’m a junior and it’s really stressful


@CandleLightCommunity Thank you for keeping us updated, @brookelilac, and good luck judging/hosting!


We’re cutting down Sci-Fi entries to 10, and the judge required for Sci-Fi to 1. We still need five more entries for Sci-Fi!!!


@Notoneblonde sorry this is @brookelilac and sorry i’ve been really busy with other things lately, and i forgot about this... i know it’s bad so i’m really sorry. which one was ur book?


@CandleLightCommunity are u going to accept my book???