
I DID IT. I completed Blue Lupus. It took two years and I am so proud. If you have a moment, please check it out and let me know what you think


Guys, I normally would ~never~ do this on here but I'm desperate. I just found out last night my dog has heartworms. His name is Cain (hence my username, lol) and he is the sweetest most loving dog. He was formerly abused and does not deserve this as well. Heartworm is treatable but is *really* expensive and I'm just a broke undergrad. I made a GoFundMe page, and the more shares and donations it gets the better his chances are for getting better faster! I want to get his x-rays on Monday but I need to raise money first. He's my whole world and he had been on prevention but must of got it before I owned him. Please share this link on WattPad, Facebook, Twitter or anything. Anything helps and is appreciated. Here's a link to his page with more info: