

          3) In the bus on the way to the swimming sports we waved at the cars and Mark made us sing really boring songs and then we put our streamers through the windows and...
          My life was normal... Until I went on the bus to the swimming sports. Now I'm not sure whether it's a bus, or a drunken party on wheels. How can everyone act so aloof at a time like this? Aren't they worried if they'll lose? I mean-
          "The wheels on the bus go ROUND AND ROUND! ROUND AND ROUND! ROUND AND ROUND! The wheels on the bus go ROUND AND ROUND! All the way to SWI-MMING SPORTS!" I cringed at the off-key notes and obnoxious laughter coming out of each and everyone of the hooligans vocals. 
          "Oh lighten up! Jeez! I thought you were coach!" Mark gives me a rough shove, and I return one harder. "Woah! Dude! Chill!" He backs up holding his hands up defensively giving me a stupid smile. All I do is look out the window and stare at the moving blur outside. Dad really wants me to win I suddenly don't feel the best. I grip my stomach, but it doesn't soothe the butterflies dancing inside, my heart pounds harder then I pushed Mark, and faster then the blur outside. I'm starting to see the blur not just outide, but everything I look at becomes unclear. "Ummm... You okay?" Mark stares at me curiously.
          "I'm fine." I lie breathlessly. Mark knows me too well, he gives me a pat instead of a shove this time.
          "Dude, you'll be more than fine, I know you will!" I try to focus my eyes on him, "and I think you're dad is proud of you." Wow... Just... Wow... ... ... Wow! The blur outside finally becomes clear, and we step out of the 'fun house'. You know, I think I will be fine! 


          2) I woke up that morning and leapt out of bed and put on my best jeans and a jumper and then cleaned my teeth and put on my shoes...
          BAM! That was my new enemy, the door. I defeated you this time... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA- "Phew! You just made it! What took you so long?," my mum tilts her head but still focused on the road, "what? Were you narrating what you were doing when you were getting ready?" She jokes. Meh, something like that. 
          "Haha, very funny mum. Can this thing go any faster, otherwise I'm gonna have to de-classify 'car' as a vehicle!" I was slightly on edge, I'm nerva-cited (nervous and excited) about reaching my destination. 
          "Honey you'll be fine! Ooh! Someone's went a little overboard in the fashion department!" I was about to freak out, but once agian, she's kidding. I mean, I just threw on some jeans, a jumper and BAM! This time it's not the door, it's my best friend called awesome clothes combo. "We're here!" Do I dare look-eth? There you go again, talking medieval due to nerves! I took a peep at the crowd and reflexively turned my back and slid down shaky and slow. As the dirty car air fill up my lungs due to me hyperventilating, I feel a trickle of sweat sliding a down, probably having more fun then I am. My mum rolls my car door window down to let the vigorous smell of gasoline waft through my personal space. I tele-pathetically tell my mum REALLY?! But she answered back with a raised eyebrow (translation: get lost!). Finally, I couldn't handle the telepathic torture on my brain, and the disgusting smell of my arch nemesis: gasoline. What's funny is that my enemy: the door, is the cause of my arch nemesis entering-  "Good grief child, GET OUT BEFORE I SLAP YOUR GOD-FORSAKEN RUMP TO TOMORROW!" Well that did it! But she didn't have to yell. I practically sprinted out, but I gradually came to a stop when I realized where I was.