Hey ya'll, yeah It's me Candycans0. This is the end for this account. Trust me it's me if it wans't then uhhhhhh....I dunno.
I made Candycans0 back somewhere in 2016 or so and published "Giant!Ink!Sans X Female!Reader"'s first chapter on Christmas eve. (Check the stats if you don't belive me). I can't log in to this account anymore and the Email I used to have is lost to the ages. I'm using this account now. And no I won't be posting Undertale stuff because I'm no longer into it.
I love all of you, and I absolutely love/hate this website. I want to get back into rp eventually, and that's why I'm back.
Candycans0 Status: Gone forever, but not lost :)
Goodbye CandyCans0. My Mom thought that username would remind people of prostitutes, but alas, it only reminded others of wanting to bone a bone. :)
I love ya'll. I'll see you all in the future.