
I am back, risen from the dead with a new story in the works that i vow not to give up on this time 


Hi there! everyone who is wanting a personal copy of the fic, I'm trying to get through everyone but the requests just keep on coming, I'll try get through as many of you as I can asap but i'll need a break eventually. I'm trying my hardest!! thank you all for being so patient!<3


This is totally out of nowhere,  but I have a gay friend (let’s call him Kyle) who just came out a week ago and yesterday a conversation came up about being dropped when we were babies. (Which happened to be done to Kyle) and my other friend (who I’ll call Hayley) said “Oh yeah that happened to Kyle. If he didn’t get dropped on his head he’d probably be normal like the rest of us instead of gay.” She’s now my ex friend.