
Hey guys! Some exiting news, I'm working on the next two chapter of The Hunger Games (aftermath)!!! 
          	Sadly my phone died half way through my late night (3 pm) work, just as it was getting good and I don't think it saved, so now the posting of the story has been delayed a bit longer... So sorry
          	Anyone have anything they would want to see in upcoming chapters? (All my stories included) 
          	(I know I only have two ongoing stories ) (One has been abandoned but we aren't gonna talk about that...)
          	Also, is anyone exited for school to start up next month? Yay, I cannot wait!! soo exited! Yippee!
          	         ⚠〰〰〰Random thank you〰〰〰⚠
          	To all the people who have supported me through my writing journey! Thank you so much! now it's probably been difficult keeping up with me, and for the new people joining this journey.. Thank you for being here and Good luck! 


@Cant_Kill_Me It's called a ✨miracle✨, thank you very much ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ


Hey guys! Some exiting news, I'm working on the next two chapter of The Hunger Games (aftermath)!!! 
          Sadly my phone died half way through my late night (3 pm) work, just as it was getting good and I don't think it saved, so now the posting of the story has been delayed a bit longer... So sorry
          Anyone have anything they would want to see in upcoming chapters? (All my stories included) 
          (I know I only have two ongoing stories ) (One has been abandoned but we aren't gonna talk about that...)
          Also, is anyone exited for school to start up next month? Yay, I cannot wait!! soo exited! Yippee!
                   ⚠〰〰〰Random thank you〰〰〰⚠
          To all the people who have supported me through my writing journey! Thank you so much! now it's probably been difficult keeping up with me, and for the new people joining this journey.. Thank you for being here and Good luck! 


@Cant_Kill_Me It's called a ✨miracle✨, thank you very much ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ


I know I said "No More Chapters".... But I wrote a whole new book... Sorry, I just had some free time on my hands and this was in my drafts for a while, a posted it a while back, and just took it down, it never got any views. I took it down so I could undergo some serious updating. Anyway.. it's a completed story, please check it out.
          Off topic but I checked my calendar, and breyerfest is in 13 days! Ah can't wait! 


Hey guys! Unfortunately I will not be able to post for a few weeks. I know I don't post chapters regularly but it will be towards the end of July maybe August before any new chapters are out. I'm just really busy this summer, and the only time I write is when I'm in bed, I might be on reading other stories, and replying to comments, if I have any, but I won't be working on any upcoming chapters. 
          I'm here to answer any questions you may have!
          Other than that there is nothing more I have to say
          Cya guys later! 
          - ✨ME✨


@Cant_Kill_Me Oh, that's OK! We all have lives.


Guys, I'm so sorry to announce this but...
          Yesterday July 20th 2024 
          Donald Sutherland died at the age of 88, from a long illness, he died in Miami.
          For those of you who don't know, Donald Sutherland played President Snow in THG.
          He is the first cast member to see the gates of heaven, 
          Fly high Donald Sutherland
          You will be missed by many


@Cant_Kill_Me  . . .
            Oh. My. Gosh.
             . . .
            I'm speechless.
             . . .
            Oh, no.
            This is so sad.


So, anyone else excited for the TWO new Hunger Games books? Plus a movie?
          They just released it to the public that it is confirmed!


@Cant_Kill_Me  . . .


@StrongForEverlark They are all on amazon for pre-order. There will be an illustrated version of the first original book, and the new one is basically another prequel, except it is about Haymitch's games, or something like that. Anyway, its called Sunrise On The Reaping, and the movie will he based off that book!


@Cant_Kill_Me  . . . WHAT.


          So, I'm currently working on a Hunger Games fanfiction, right? And, if you wanted to, you can give it a read <3. (Disclaimer: it might show several reads on the chapters, but a lot of those were when I would preview them to see how they looked •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀)


Oh, that's OK!
            So, it's called Mockingjay Refuge. If you don't find it, for some reason, when you search it, then go on my profile, and under Stories by PeetaLove, you'll find it :3.
            Yeah, good Everlark is just great, so great, and I wanted to be a part of it <3.
            Yeah, people just have to get back into their Everlark eras, again. But, luckily, I'm ALWAYS in my Everlark era (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠).


@StrongForEverlark Sadly I wont be able to look at it tonight, but if you could just give me the name of the story and I WILL read it. I've been looking for some good Everlark recently, unfortunately I haven't found any. 


@StrongForEverlark Ok, yeah i'll check that out!


Hey guys I posted a new story yesterday called An Unbreakable Bond, its a HG fanfic if you want to check it out its on my profile so far it only has two reads. I cannot thank you guys enough for everything  keep moving forwards and be that little light you are called to be, - Rae


@Cant_Kill_Me Ooh, nice! I'll check it out when I can!


Wow! almost 140 on the hunger games I'm still amazed how did you guys even find me? 
          So I have another story (you can find it on my profile) called "Can We Just Talk" and that one only has 6 views  well anyway just wanted to let you guys know that I have another story out there
          Also I probably won't be updating any of my story's for a while 
          Reasons -
          Hunger games: lack of  motivation, major writers block
          Can We Just Talk: not enough reeds, Lazy
          I'll start updating Can We Just Talk once I get at least 10-15 reads
          And let me know if you have any ideas for my  Hunger Games fanfic