
I've managed to finish 6 fanfics in a week holy crap


No one will read this but whatever, it's January 1, 3:32 AM, yet another year has passed and I thank God for allowing to be live another year of my life as well as my family and friends. This year was full of surprises, things that were so sudden and unexpected. I lost a few people in my life, but I also gained great people as well. I have so much goals set for myself that I plan on achieving this year and I hope for nothing but the best year for everyone, even for the people that really annoy me or that don't like me. I've had such amazing memories this year that I'll never forget, like seeing 5SOS and Halsey, holy craaapp they were amazing. I just hope 2016 won't be a b*tch to me  Once again I hope you have a great year and make wise choices (I sound like my math teacher) -M