
Hello Readers and Fellow Authors! 
          	I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who downloaded Dancing With You and Angel of the Sea this past weekend! I was pleasantly surprised by the number of downloads and can tell people are turning the pages! 
          	Doctor's Orders has been shown lots of love since it was started exactly two years today! I am so thankful for every read/comment/vote! There is no greater compliment than someone telling you, "I wish I had this on my bookshelf!" @starbrxght (Girl, I'll never forget that!) and @NatashaGintoki (Your love for Jace gave me all the confidence to keep this series running!) I want you all to know that YES Doctor's Orders will be available on Amazon in the near future! I can't say a specific time just yet because... ahem... editing may take this chick awhile! LOL! But fingers crossed sooner than later! 
          	I'm curious, for those who read "The Doctor's Daughter" and the prequel "Heart Doctor" did you enjoy those as much? Or should I keep it a 3 part series only? Thank you all again! Much love to you and I hope everyone has a blessed Easter week!


@NatashaGintoki awwww yes girl!!! Your comments kept me going!! So thank YOU! 


So glad I stumbled across your profile! I love finding fellow wives and moms❤ Hope to read some of your work when I get the chance. 
          Have a wonderful day ❤


@Capri5211 ooh how exciting!! Good for you ❤ I would definitely love to get to that point with my books. I'll definitely check it out☺️


@allie7 Thank you so much for the sweet comment!! I would love to hear your thoughts on any of my stuff! ❤️ I just started self publishing on Amazon as well! (Links in my bio) I'm excited to read your work too! Have an awesome day 


Hello Readers and Fellow Authors! 
          I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who downloaded Dancing With You and Angel of the Sea this past weekend! I was pleasantly surprised by the number of downloads and can tell people are turning the pages! 
          Doctor's Orders has been shown lots of love since it was started exactly two years today! I am so thankful for every read/comment/vote! There is no greater compliment than someone telling you, "I wish I had this on my bookshelf!" @starbrxght (Girl, I'll never forget that!) and @NatashaGintoki (Your love for Jace gave me all the confidence to keep this series running!) I want you all to know that YES Doctor's Orders will be available on Amazon in the near future! I can't say a specific time just yet because... ahem... editing may take this chick awhile! LOL! But fingers crossed sooner than later! 
          I'm curious, for those who read "The Doctor's Daughter" and the prequel "Heart Doctor" did you enjoy those as much? Or should I keep it a 3 part series only? Thank you all again! Much love to you and I hope everyone has a blessed Easter week!


@NatashaGintoki awwww yes girl!!! Your comments kept me going!! So thank YOU! 


TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Did you get your (2) FREE books on Amazon yet?? Dancing With You & Angel of the Sea are available for FREE for only a few more hours! Get yours in your Kindle before the promo ends!


@angstyjane OMG Yay! I hope you enjoy them!! I can't wait to read your review! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Means the world!


@NatashaGintoki HAHA! Aw, no worries girl! You have helped me so much already :)


@Capri5211 - Amazing!  Grabbed them both!  Thank you so much!!  (I'll be sure to leave a review once I read them!)


***FREE!*** Hey readers! I hope you are having an amazing Friday! This is a HUGE weekend because BOTH of my eBooks on Amazon are 100% FREE to purchase! To all of you that showed lots of love to Angel of the Sea and the Dancing With You series...THANK YOU! You have made this possible! Don't forget to hop on Amazon and score your free copies before time runs out! Promotion ends Sunday! Much love to all of you!


That’s amazing 


          Hello Readers! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far! I've been working super hard on my Dancing With You series to make it the absolute best for you guys because it's going to be live on Amazon in the very near future! (Fingers crossed by this weekend!) The series will be available as ONE book so you can dive in without interruption and relive all of Sunny and Jared's magic moments. For those of you that are reading now, THANK YOU! I am leaving a few preview chapters on Wattpad once the book goes live along with a link to my author page for you to explore. Thank you again for all of your reads, comments, and votes! Much love to all of you!


@shashanksh no worries at all! THANK YOU!


@Capri5211 congratulations!! Sorry I read it late. :) 