
lol, no, thats just supposed to be a 3, not an e :P thanks anyway :)


          I come from I'm here on a top-secret mission to convert you to a Figgy. Who told me to do this is strictly classified, but we're recruiting young writers with fantastic potential and whipping them in to shape on our wonderful sight. Thanks for reading, and join like your life depends on it.
          I hope to see you!
          -Rhea Loveless (on figment)


So, uhm, Firstly, I came here cause of your username.  Are you in forensics?! LOL cause I link Debate= Forensics: Speech and Debate.   Just wondering.  If so, we should have a long talk about forensics, cause forensics is my life.  If not-- just ignore the above(: Anyways, I wanted to also say, 
          A BELATED WELCOME TO *drumroll please!!!*  WATTPAD!!  WOO 
          Honestly, I feel super special to have 'welcomed' you (even if it was... like 924387239487 months late).  I hope you feel welcomed xD  Now, I'm just rambling!  Anyways,  I hope you are enjoying/will enjoy more of wattpad ^-^ And definitely tell me if you are in Forensics: Speech and Debate.  cause that'll be amazing :D