Hey everyone Long time no see I hope you're all well I'm afraid this will be my last announcement on Wattpad, because I have made the decision to leave It hurts to do this, but I've just not been writing anymore, and while this is my fifth year here, I've just lost all motivation to write, especially with college I'm so sorry to anyone that has been waiting for updates or requests, or if I've just completely blanked you and left you on read I had the time of my life on here, and I love all of you, I just think it's time to say goodbye Thank you all for all your support and friendship, you all really got me through a rough time I'm not going to delete this account, as I know that so many of you like my writing, and it will be controlled by Skittles. This account's future lies with her, and she can do what she likes with this now I'm so sorry everyone, and I love you all Thanks for everything ~ Poppy :)

@Caps_Mighty_Shield Nooo! I'm so sad to find this out just now. I remember when we first met on here and how we'd tag eachother in other fics. I'll always remember the good interactions we had. I'll miss you <33

@Caps_Mighty_Shield this is sad finding this after logging in after a long time but for some reason I had a feeling. But do well.

@Caps_Mighty_Shield (╥﹏╥)I only just logged back into this account after a while and saw this, I'll miss you and I wish you all the best luck. We'll sure as hell miss you but, at the end of the day, its your decision to leave. Virtual goodbye hugs ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ