
Yes I deleted 45 stories off this profile. Wattpad is starting to charge people on here and the platform just isn't what it was. It's also just time to move some of my work offline. 
          	No I will not put them back and no I won't explain why they were removed.


Yes I deleted 45 stories off this profile. Wattpad is starting to charge people on here and the platform just isn't what it was. It's also just time to move some of my work offline. 
          No I will not put them back and no I won't explain why they were removed.


If you are reading fanfic -- commenting "So and so is Regina's sister not Killian's" and it's in the show-- it does not MATTER.. this is FANFIC ..relationships, ships, relatives are all written to whatever the writer wants.. that's why it's Fanfic . If you want actual stories based completely off the show.. then please find them and don't be rude on my fanfic  or anyone else's just bc i change who Zelena may be related to.


You'll notice that stories are being deleted from my Account, I am removing things that I either want to redo, or just revamp or just don't want up on the account anymore..


@AlanaFowler3 uhh don’t know . I work and have a lot going on prob not putting it back up at all


 When are you put Class back up?


@regina_jones3000 very likely yes just some editing 


Fanfic is written FOR FREE . We do not have to cater to you. Commenting on stories should be strictly positive things about the content, nothing else. 
          Not "Don't make this happen" like you're saying this on a story that was completed a year ago.. i'm not going to CHANGE my writing. Also asking me to write a ship I don't write, is rude. We do not have to cater to anyone, this is fanfic, we write what we wish. Go seek writers that will take requests. But please stop commenting on completed fanfic that people have done saying you dont want something to happen -- the work is FINISHED, your comment won't change it.


It has been over a year.. if you literally are STILL dwelling on nonsense twisting my words from years ago just to come harass me AGAIN .. please get a life... 
          No one can COPYRIGHT names of REAL people. 
          Copyrighting characters that are originals is entirely different and People CAN do that, just like ABC owns Killian Jones or Regina Mills, fanfic writers creating original characters CAN be copyrighted. 
          Do they own the name though? OF COURSE not, and I never suggested as such. 
          Also.. No one LIED about anyone impersonating them. 
          A troll impersonated me on tumblr for YEARS harassing others and claiming to be me,  before I changed my fanfic name so you can stop accusing me of LYING. 
          Yes people lie about being Harassed? SURE just what i have time for when i work full time and have a life and do this as a hobby, i want to make up being bullied? screw you.  Please get a life and turn your attention off me and get something else in your life for fun and positivity. 
          Harassing ME over fanfic and making false ass claims on me isn't going to get you anywhere. You did this years ago and nonstop and i'm still here.. you aren't going to chase me away. Grow up and move on. 
          If you continue to try this AGAIN by sending messages or posting on my fanfic. I'll just delete it and block .. you won't get a reply, you won't get attention, you'll get nothing but ignored and reported.