Royal Love fics in order for writing.
You can read them in any order, unless they say otherwise in the notes/summary thing
1: The Prince and The Fox
2: Red Poppies and Warm Kisses
3: Let's Change Our World
4: Engaged Morning Kisses
{to be done}
- (I felt broken, but you fixed me) How Mumbo and Grian, two shapeshifters, of different animals, meet, help heal, and fall in love with Scar, A physically disable prince who deals with the issues of an absent father, dead mother, and being lonely.
- (Oh Love, why can't I kill you) False and Wels and how one assassination of a certain avian knight could go so wrong (?)
- (Two royals and him) Xisuma/Xb/Keralis how these three came together and started ruling an kingdom and how Xb feels bad for not being part royal like his loves.
- (The secret of our love) Pearl and Gem, how the princes who was betrothed to her best friend fell in love with her handmaden.
- (The siren song calls my heart) Joel and Lizzie, how the young prince of Mezalea meet a creature of the sea who was supposed to drowned him, but they fell in love instead.
- (Armored hugs) Imp and Skizz, how two inseparable boys deal with the love they hold for each other and life as the two royal guards assigned to protect to the royal family's two princes.
- (I can't help but get lost in you) Tango and Zed, Tango runs into a sheep hybrid in town, he has never seen a hybrid before, but when they ask for a place to go what will Tango do?
- (I keep finding myself standing in your shadow) Ex and Hels, both of them are living in their brother's shadows, will they find what they need in each other?
- What happened when Bdubs met Etho's pack.
- Cleo a young girl who seems to be able to see the dead ever since her 16th birthday, meets a weird boy with long brown hair and pure white eyes in the woods as she explores it. The boy won't seem to leave her alone, he keeps saying 'Howdy' and somehow manages to predict the future spilling a poem from his lips with lime green smoke.