
Hey, if you like my work, you always have the option to check out my self-published work:


Your writing is very impressive. I really wish i could write like you, but I always get so muddled up when I work. But reading your stories actually inspires me to keep writing even with the struggles.
          Thanks for the amazing work and story you are telling ^_^


@AmeliaGarvey3 Thanks for inspiring me. That message has defiently lit a fire to keep working


@AmeliaGarvey3 Thanks! That's okay, don't give up, and keep working on it. You don't get to write a gripping paragraph without writing 999 999 shoddy ones. Just keep reading stuff you like, keep working on it, and don't be afraid to suck at it. You'll develop your own style and voice before long and you'll start getting better by just grinding through. Don't feel responsible for producing some exceptional literary masterpiece and don't beat yourself over mistakes or not finding the creativity or willpower to write anything noteworthy down. Just keep working, no matter if it's good or bad, and don't feel embarrassed if you spend hours on a couple of paragraphs you decide to strike out after you're done.
            To me, writing is just like that. As long as you keep working on it and on yourself, you'll find out what writing is like for you too.


I know you said that you write because it's fun and you want to write but if you edit the cover of your books you can totally get more reads! Then there would be more people to see your amazing work. I found your from someone who had you work in a reading list and it said that it was the best OC fanfiction they ever read and they are right! Idk if I can read all your books but I'm going to try. Love your work so far. :)


@StephanieOrellana4 Hey, thanks for checking out my work. Truth be told, I'm not that good with covers and art in general and, as abhorrent as it sounds, to me covers just seem like stressful obstacles that prevent me from a smooth writing process, because when I need to get something that passes as a cover for a book it just makes me grind my teeth and nothing gets done in the end. I know that covers are important, it's literally what people judge a book by (ironically enough), though avoiding the stress that I go through while working with them makes the sacrifice of popularity worth it for me. I'm really flattered that someone would consider my work "the best" in anything. I really just consider writing more like a hobby for venting more than anything so I'd never really even dare to aspire to a title of that category. 
            It's okay if you decide to stop partway somewhere or don't like the direction in which the story goes or you feel like the change in writing style or something else makes the stories I write no longer a valuable and engaging spending of your precious time. I'm just really glad that I ever managed to interest you in the first place, for however long that lasts. 
            Don't ever feel shy or disheartened to let me know what you loved or hated. I'd appreciate it if you ever found yourself stepping off the massive ship of the stories I'm working off that you let me know what drew you in and where I've disappointed you. Feedback like that helps a writer grow and I'm ever thankful for every opportunity for bettering myself that I get. 
            I'm glad I was able to entertain you, also, thanks for offering me your time and help. Means a lot.


Probably a long shot but are you still active on Wattpad?


@michybelle ACTUALLY I UNPUBLISHED THE CHAPTERS THAT AREN'T EDITED so there's no #2020edit. If you can see the chapter it's edited ;-)


Oh and I forgot to say if you ever want some ideas for book covers let me know, I’m really enjoying designing things at the moment, so could definitely show you some ideas if you let me know the genre, features etc. even if you the want to adapt them slightly. But of course if you prefer to come up with your own idea so you can call it your own I understand too. No pressure x


Omg you actually replied! It’s literally been years aha. I had to recover my account I couldn’t remember the login ahah. I will definitely continue with your magician ninja story, I still remember it. I use to always look forward to reading it and you reading my work as well. You were definitely one of my Wattpad pals aha. At the moment I’ve decided to updated the ANGELI FIDEI story (which was the second story I’d written about 3 chapters for). Adding the new changes I worked on I can really see the difference in my writing after 3 years or so. I mean even the opening of the story is different, I’ve really polished it. So yes would love for you to check it out and give me some feedback! (Be sure to monitor the chapters - I’ve added a #2020edit on all the new ones I’ve updated, so if they don’t say “2020edit” then it’s the old version so don’t read it because it might not make sense anymore”.
            So excited to be back!


Damn I didn't even finish the first book but I'm ready to read everything, its truly amazing


@Lena_Hatake Its so unique I'm dying ekgkwkgkek I'm taking too long to finish it akakdkwjc


@Lena_Hatake I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the praise and the time it took to let me know what you thought about my work. Hope the hype stays consistent throughout the entire trip, or however long you feel like walking this long road :)


I really really love both of your ninja magician books. I wish I was really creative like u.  The way u have different stories on different people put together that fix matches the plot. That was genius. I really want to be able to do that too. Keep writing and doing what u do


@CaptainClaymore thanks for the advice. I really i can achieve wear u are today 


@SmartKid16 Thanks for your input! I always appreciate it. Creativity was never something I had problem with but I believe it can be developed as well. Just keep writing, keep reading and taking in as many stories as you can. Learn how to satisfy as well as subvert expectations and you're pretty much there. A little bit of experience in life, learning why people do certain things and how they are treated, what motivates them helps to create more realistic and engaging characters. Creating a living and breathing world of both subtle personal stories and political intrigue happening behind the stage was always something I wanted to do but it isn't easy so don't fret if you try and don't succeed at once. I certainly plan to keep on going and finish the story, there is simply too much planned ahead and the story hasn't even went into its first main storyline yet. Whenever someone gives some helpful criticism or just a good old compliment it always helps to keep the inspiration alive so I am grateful you took the time to do so :)


Cap... Your really dedicated to this....


@kagamibazooka I don't consider myself that great either, also it takes a lot of practice and hard work to get even to the level where I am currently. Writing is one of those things that improves when you do it more and more, even when you do it badly (when I read my early scribbles I always get so embarrased and can't believe I wrote them :D)
            I'm sorry to hear your life is so crammed, I hope things will get better in the future. Friends in other countries is still better than no countries at all, try talking to them when you feel bad and need support. I'm sure some of them would love to help you out. School is indeed a strange and difficult period of life, I'd wish to tell you it gets easier but it really doesn't: university is even harder, working can go both ways but the difference will not be the others, it'll be you. When you struggle with things like school work and life problems you build up strength of character and willpower to push through. You become stronger and possibly even ready for higher level of getting your ass kicked that higher education or a job will provide.
            The most important part of life is just to survive and keep pushing, eventually something worthwile will happen and make you smile, hopefully those moments will be worth it to you :)


I suck at writing.... I have so many things happening in my life and it's really pressuring me... And the people who usually support me are in a different countries. School assignments!!!!!!


@kagamibazooka Thanks, I try to be. It never feels like a chore when you actually want to do something :)