
Question what happened to the thing in here where you could see all your comments you posted on stories. I was trying to find one that I didn't save and I can't find it. Did they get rid of it


 that sucks that used to be super helpful if I forgot to save a story 


Question what happened to the thing in here where you could see all your comments you posted on stories. I was trying to find one that I didn't save and I can't find it. Did they get rid of it


 that sucks that used to be super helpful if I forgot to save a story 


this message may be offensive
Hey dudes , I have never really done this before but I am seriously conflicted and I felt like I had no one to talk about this with atm. Anyways today I made a comment about how its so interesting to see so many G×G couples in HS but in middle school there was more Hetero couples mainly out of curiousity on his stance on it. My friend admitted to me that he is a Homophobe and I did not expect that reaction.(he literally said "I am a homophobe") . It is concerning for me bc not only is my mother bi but I also am pansexual(technically still in the closet though i have a suspicion that my mom already knows)(he doesn't know this) and it is alittle akward for me bc he is a homophobe and I don't want him to see me different or anything bc eventually it might come up and I will end up having to reveal my sexuality to him. I am afriad of this bc this is my first guy friend(and only friend atm besides my gf) and I really don't want to ruin that. Its freaking me all the way the fuck out bc I have neve been in a situation like this at all and its really stressful the more I think about it. Could I have some advice on how to proceed with this? I mean you can ridicule me about being extra and stupid and shit but this is really scary to me. I just really really want some advice.


@CaptainDelca it's no problem. I'm gald I could help.


            thank you for this advice. I mean I guess I don't care he is a homophobe. People can believe what they want it is not my place to judge. I just don't want him to say mean homophobic things. But thank you for taking your precious time to read and reply to this it is greatly appreciated


@CaptainDelca It can be difficult when someone close to you is unaccepting. I know it can be very stressful, and even painful when people dont understand. I think the best thing to fo is just tell him and get it out of the way. He may react badly, but he'll react even worse of he hears it from someone else or if you're forced to tell him suddenly. He may not react as badly as you think, and might even become more accepting of lgbt people because he knows one. It could hurt his feelings and worsen his thoughts about lgbt people if you keep it from him and he finds out eventually.
            That's what i would do, but that doesn't mean you have to. I just wanted to help if at all possible.