
When things look at there worst, just think of what's at its best. A lot has happened and I am honestly feeling like a better person, I physically and mentally feel stable again. I'm not really allowed to be on my devices, but when I said that the reading made me feel better, I was instantly allowed. Sure I still have a couple restrictions, but I'll be back in a couple of weeks. I just need to fall into the right area. Once again, till then. Later dorks!


When things look at there worst, just think of what's at its best. A lot has happened and I am honestly feeling like a better person, I physically and mentally feel stable again. I'm not really allowed to be on my devices, but when I said that the reading made me feel better, I was instantly allowed. Sure I still have a couple restrictions, but I'll be back in a couple of weeks. I just need to fall into the right area. Once again, till then. Later dorks!


Hey guys! I haven't been posting because:
          a) I have projects
          b) I'm currently writing two brand new stories
          c) I'm not in the best place right now.
          I'm going through a lot mentally now. I understand everything, but just a brief 20 minutes ago, everything began to fall apart. I'm busy raising my grades, but I'll continue to write. Honestly, I seriously want to cry right now, but I hate crying in front of others because it makes me feel weak. I just want to go home, I hate school. My friends are oblivious to everything, they don't even realize I've been being bullied. I don't care if they read this, they won't care, nothing will change.


Do I have a story for you! I was trying my best to get to the bus, which is on the opposite end of the school then my locker, I had five minutes. I'm running and shoving past quite a few people, once I get out and see the bus, I speed up to it, this woman closes the door in my face. I wave at her to open it, guess what she does? Opens it. Nope! She shook her head no and waved goodbye. I looked at her bus with my hand on my chest, like, you ho*! I walked into the school and found my friends. I told them and they offered to play volleyball. Being my dumb self I agree and we play around until I get a call from my mom saying her boyfriend was getting me. I continued to play until he finally arrived. Bus drivers can be mean a times.