
PART 2.5
          	Something I forgot to mention, is that due to each character having their own solo book before the team-up, this means that there will be some changes to when each character is introduced. My current plan is to write 4 books. That's three solo books, and then the fourth is the team-up.
          	1. Book focusing on both Captain Justice and Smack-Down's origins
          	2. Book focusing on Voltage's origins
          	3. Book focusing on Ambush's origins
          	4. Team-up book where all four of them meet
          	You may notice that this means that Midnight and Kate (Harrier) are not in the team-up. They'll enter the series later, but for now I won't be writing about them. I like to keep the books racially diverse, as made clear when the old books had white, black, and Asian main characters, and also there were female main characters, but for now the team will be 4 men. I hope that doesn't offend anyone xD Trust me, the women WILL be in it, but not at first.


PART 2.5
          Something I forgot to mention, is that due to each character having their own solo book before the team-up, this means that there will be some changes to when each character is introduced. My current plan is to write 4 books. That's three solo books, and then the fourth is the team-up.
          1. Book focusing on both Captain Justice and Smack-Down's origins
          2. Book focusing on Voltage's origins
          3. Book focusing on Ambush's origins
          4. Team-up book where all four of them meet
          You may notice that this means that Midnight and Kate (Harrier) are not in the team-up. They'll enter the series later, but for now I won't be writing about them. I like to keep the books racially diverse, as made clear when the old books had white, black, and Asian main characters, and also there were female main characters, but for now the team will be 4 men. I hope that doesn't offend anyone xD Trust me, the women WILL be in it, but not at first.


          Another thing I want to change is the introduction of the other superheroes. CJ2 opens with an entire superhero team already established and set up. The reader doesn't know any of these characters, doesn't know their personalities, who they are as people, or where they come from. I want to change this.
          So... I'm taking the very time-consuming challenge to write solo books on every single superhero character BEFORE putting them all onto one superhero team. It's going to take a VERY long time, but it'll be so much better than what I've done. So instead of having a superhero team full of strangers, every member will already have their own book written about them and their past before the characters all meet-up in the team-up book.
          I'm also considering not having Captain Justice as the main character. Like... he'll have his solo book, but for the team-up books, he won't be the sole protagonist, every superhero will have their own part in the story. I don't like how Captain Justice 2 is basically the adventures of Captain Justice and his super-friends. I want the team-up book to be a shared adventure between all characters.
          I'm going to keep Dr Inferno, but I'm going to completely scrap the story of CJ2, with the army of robots. It just isn't realistic or interesting to me anymore.
          There are other things I'll change, but that'll do for this post. I'm beginning work on the Captain Justice reboot (which might not even be titled "Captain Justice" anymore) soon, but I don't have a particular time planned for when it'll be uploaded. I'm going to spend much more time editing each chapter and I'm considering completely finishing each book before uploading.
          So anyway, that's that. I've got a lot of writing to do. Wish me luck guys.


@CaptainJustice who is CJ2 i think you should keep the robots they are interesting


          WARNING: This is a long and depressing read.
          After a very uneventful 2016 for my books, (I haven't written, edited or uploaded a single thing) I've been thinking a lot about the Captain Justice series and what I want to do with it. After a pretty long internal discussion, I've decided that I'm going to reboot the series, in other words... I'm going to start all over again. Meaning that the story I started in 2013 will never be finished. Kind of makes me sad, but I think a reboot will be good for the series. When I started, I did pretty much no planning and the two books are pretty messy. For this reboot, I'm going to seriously focus on writing genuinely good plots, and the relationships between the characters will be much more important. The two books right now are basically superhero books, with human relationships thrown in there. I want the series to focus on the human relationships, likeable characters will real development and personalities that change as the series go on, with the superhero element added in there.
          I also want to make the books more realistic. Re-reading the old books it's obvious that I didn't understand how the world works back then. The United States developing a robot army and forcing them to be used in the United Kingdom? Without any sort of referendum, discussion or objection from the British government? It just wouldn't happen. A bunch of teenagers trying to be superheroes wouldn't just be given a penthouse by the police.
          Also... there's superpowers. It has been difficult, but I think I'm going to completely remove superpowers from the Captain Justice series, and that includes the characters of James and Ronan (which is a shame, because there were so many stories I wanted to tell with those two). Looking back, including superpowers in a series that I wanted to be grounded and realistic didn't work.
          (Reached word limit, read the next post)


@Doctorchild Yeah I'm going to keep the old books here on this account, but I'm considering making a new account where I'll upload the reboot.


Keep the old books out and dont delete them but create new books and do the title reboot in them


Re-watched "Deadpool" last night. Such an awesome movie, and I love all the 4th wall breaks. Part of me wants to experiment with writing a short story where the characters break the 4th wall, or perhaps the narrator directly addresses the reader...