
What’s up guys and gals sorry about the delay on the new chapters for WOTD, things came up and some of which were painful some depressing and others just down right upsetting. I’ll start posting new chapters tomorrow. Peace out guys and gals, Have a good one.


What’s up guys and gals sorry about the delay on the new chapters for WOTD, things came up and some of which were painful some depressing and others just down right upsetting. I’ll start posting new chapters tomorrow. Peace out guys and gals, Have a good one.


JP I hate you just when I got back into the grove of writing I take a bit of a break due to mental exhaustion from working then having to go out and party with my wife. And you send me a book to read. A cultivation book at that. Do you know how hard it is for me to stop reading. It’s damn near impossible. You bastard! Now I have to go and read that damn book until I’m satisfied and can go back to writing. Sigh old habits die hard I guess. 
          Peace out guys and gals have a good one. Btw I just realized that I got caught up in another book. Jeez I need help.


Sup guys and gals I would like to publish a new chapter for World Of The Dead today but I’m being mind raped by a headache. Don’t worry though I’ll get a new chapter out to you tomorrow morning maybe like 2am-3am I have no idea when that is for some of you guys, but I love in Trinidad I hope that helps. Anyway hopefully I can get it to you guys some time today.  Peace out guys and gals, have a good one.