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Ok, everyone, you may be asking, "Where is Captain?" So here is the answer I been having major writers block, and I don't know when that storm will pass. I also have slowed down on my reading, for that I don't have a valid excuse for others, then I just haven't. And I don't know how long it will be untill I come back but I do promise I will come back, I just need time to think about my storys more!, also I have year 11 grade work from school on top of my animals science classes so it's been abit crowded. Recently, since 2 weeks ago, I ripped a ligament in my right foot, I going to need to take physio to help me run & jump again so I can get back to basketball and my normal self. And If you just skipped to the end short story is a fucked myself over BAD!. Thanks for understanding a I do hope all your storys have great success while might will be forgotten and plunge into darkness when I upload once again. For now see you later every one & goodbye for now!