
this message may be offensive
Ok, everyone, you may be asking, "Where is Captain?" So here is the answer I been having major writers block, and I don't know when that storm will pass.
          	I also have slowed down on my reading, for that I don't have a valid excuse for others, then I just haven't.
          	And I don't know how long it will be untill I come back but I do promise I will come back, I just need time to think about my storys more!, also I have year 11 grade work from school on top of my animals science classes so it's been abit crowded.
          	Recently, since 2 weeks ago, I ripped a ligament in my right foot, I going to need to take physio to help me run & jump again so I can get back to basketball and my normal self. 
          	And If you just skipped to the end short story is a fucked myself over BAD!.
          	Thanks for understanding a I do hope all your storys have great success while might will be forgotten and plunge into darkness when I upload once again.
          	For now see you later every one & goodbye for now!


this message may be offensive
Ok, everyone, you may be asking, "Where is Captain?" So here is the answer I been having major writers block, and I don't know when that storm will pass.
          I also have slowed down on my reading, for that I don't have a valid excuse for others, then I just haven't.
          And I don't know how long it will be untill I come back but I do promise I will come back, I just need time to think about my storys more!, also I have year 11 grade work from school on top of my animals science classes so it's been abit crowded.
          Recently, since 2 weeks ago, I ripped a ligament in my right foot, I going to need to take physio to help me run & jump again so I can get back to basketball and my normal self. 
          And If you just skipped to the end short story is a fucked myself over BAD!.
          Thanks for understanding a I do hope all your storys have great success while might will be forgotten and plunge into darkness when I upload once again.
          For now see you later every one & goodbye for now!


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Guys I think I've really done it now!, In basketball training I fucked my Ankle when blocking a shoot a now I can barely walk, I usually walk these off but this feels different


@Captain_AquaOxalaia Once you sleep, tomorrow it will probably hurts far more worse.
            speaking from experience :D


Trade offer!, you tell me about the person you first fell in love with & then I'll tell you mine!.


@Captain_AquaOxalaia that was definitely a trade that I don’t regret doing


@Volkanobursto I also forgot to add, she although shy, can be very bold when I come to what she wants, if she want something she will do what ever to get it. 
            To the point where it's embarrassing be and my mates have ask if where going out which I freaked out


As an Aussie, I hold great pride.
          But the Aussie I think deserve the most love is the Thousands Anzac soldier who lies to rest as victims of war.
          These people deserve the utmost respect, and I hope that they lay to rest peacefully 


those that fought for their country have my respect, no matter if evil or good. they are still human... and soldiers that believe they are fighting for people and motherland.
            the Anzacs fought leagues from their homeland, sent to a war that wouldn't have reached them... sent to a country they probably never seen in their live...
            soldiers are extraordinary, it saddens me how untreated veterans are in many country... they fought for the belief of protecting family and other volks...
            they have the utmost respect from me and many others. 
            as the year turns towards ww1's 111 anniversary, the month february symbolises the beginning of a long campaign that costed the lives of over 500 thousand Turks, Brits, French, Anzacs, Irish, Indians and Canadians and many others, the only honourable thing we can do is to remind ourselves of their legacy.


@Captain_AquaOxalaia 14 days till anzac, time to bake cookies again


Hey is brain freeze going to be finished 


@Captain_AquaOxalaia the story's plot is really good to be honest with you...


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Guys... I kid you not..
          I'm doing Animals Science for my VCE right and the class I'm in for Animal Science... I filled with ONLY GIRLS!!.
          I KID YOU NOT, I am the only guy in the class... my mum called It a fucking Harem.. LIKE IT'S NOT!.


@Captain_AquaOxalaia My best of condolences are sent to you my friend, goodest of luck is wished upon you


@Captain_AquaOxalaia may God have mercy on your soul


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Ok ok I was reading back "Burn through the ocean," and I can't believe the shear about spelling mistakes there are!.
          Like I couldn't even write a simple sentence bad! I could barely write, "It's ominous red paint stood over me like a Murkrow."
          Seriously how fucking bad was I?, I know Dysgraphia is a bitch but fuck I hell that's bad!!.


@Volkanobursto Ik right!?, like it's inside now I have to live with this bad spelling


Yeah, like I could fix my chapters up (first few), but honestly I can’t even begin to imagine how bad it could be. I basically would have to rewrite it all


          New story named "Family Of Unlikely Misfits"
          It is a story about a quirky group of eeveelutions known for their family of misfit personalities that would normally never mix.
          Watch as the group shines like stars in there, especially. As romance, drama, and meny more things test the bond of the family.


Can't wait for feedback


I was thinking recently.. do I actually even get better at writing?.
          Like, am I even good enough to make enjoyable stories? Is the way I am restricting my abilities.. or Is it just me who's the problem.
          I'm told to help you learn, but I feel like the opposite. The more mistakes I make don't help at all.. I just makes me make the same mistake 100 X over.


@Captain_AquaOxalaia I mean, if writing is anything like drawing, then your best bet is just to keep doing it until you're satisfied
            that's how I learned, I just did it
            you'll get there eventually brotha, everyone has different ways of learning how to do things :]


@Captain_AquaOxalaia your welcome (☞°͜ʖ͡͡°)☞