
Published My New Book "Disowned" go see wassup.


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a couple readers been messaging me asking if there gon be a sequel to Then and now? I answered this already saying yes..butttt now its a maybe. My book is now starting to get into the drama an shit so it depends on how the book ends. 


omg thank you so much for showing your love for my book I lost hope for it a while ago lmao, I didn't get the feedback,stars, nor reads I wanted and I was just done.


@MzChrissyalisa Lol your very welcome❤ and don't it takes time, it definitely did with mines. So continue with it.


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y'all next update of 'Then And Now' might be a lil late. Just cause of after school activities and shit so sorry :( But I'll try and publish a new chapter...wait what's today's date? oh yeah right/ new chapter I'll try to publish on Monday. Worst part is I left y'all with a cliff hanger lmao.
          Sorry peeps ! 


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SOOOOO sorry for not updating 'Then and now' in like 3 weeks. I feel like shit that I've done a new chapter or two in so damn long. Y'all please forgive me! Update coming tomorrow :D And another will be up this same week so Later y'all!!!