So I was re - reading How To Fly for inspiration for How to Get To Badminton and Back, and it has some good endings to chapters, even if I say so myself:
"I fell first. I hit the ground with an almighty thump. Latte came next, toppling down on top of me. The moment my life changed."
"Aleena shot Rae a worried expression. Rae shot it straight back."
"Everything was relying on me now. And we had everything to loose."
"The moment of freedom. I don't think that's something you can easily forget."
"But she was right. As always."
"Only time will tell."
"'Come on a hack,' she said, 'and I'll tell you everything.'"
"'Okay,' Aleena said, 'you've got lots of explaining to do.'"
"To my fate, I didn't know. But I wasn't going down without giving it my all first."
"We were on our way to win."
"Then I walked away. My dream was over."
"For the first time ever, fearless Rachel James was giving up."
"'What if we fail?' Rachel smiled and gripped my hand, 'But what if we don't?'"
"I might as well take the risk and give it all I've got."
"You've got three choices in life. Give up, give in or give it all you've got. And I suggest the third."