Hey! I'm Cara, and I love to read. Every time I read I get this heart-warming feeling in my chest. If you are being bullied or being taken advantage of in a friendship, remember,  those are just words and if they dont realize how great you are, then show them. Walk down the hallways confidently, put some effort in the way you look (a bit of makeup to highlight your features or stand up straight and move that hair out of your face, let the world see your pearly whites and glittering eyes!) and others will make an effort to look at you.
  • Дата регистрацииMay 11, 2013

Последнее сообщение
Cara3585 Cara3585 Jun 22, 2014 01:38AM
@crimsonhero aww, no it's not creepy at all. You actually just made my day. :,) you're very sweet and honestly I believe you when you say that you understand and I think you are a very beautiful pers...
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