I'm just numb right now. A numb, shaking, crying mess. It feels like they held me together and now I'm nothing. If you're a fan, then you'll know who I mean. I found out whilst I was blast NA NA NA out and singing along :) I don't know how I'm going to carry on, now that I've lost everything. As much as I try to, I can't live in denial for the rest of my life. I just feel awful when I think about it- the MCRmy will diminish into nothing. They will get blamed. They will do a comeback tour in two years. More losses when that's over. I'm just hoping they'll pop up on 1st April and say it was fake. We can all laugh and live our lives. But that's not going to happen. We all need to stay strong and as long as we blast out our music whilst driving through zone 1, they'll still be with us 'So long, and goodnight' x