
Beberapa hari ini tertarik banget dengan Land of Seasons Snowflakes, coba baca deh dijamin seru dan membuat penasaran bagi temen-temen yang suka novel fantasi klasik sejenis Lord of the Ring, Narnia, atau novel buatan Sitta Karina kayak Aerial. Two thumps buat penulisnya deh~~ btw ini ceritanya belum tamat, lg lanjut ke sequel keduanya


Beberapa hari ini tertarik banget dengan Land of Seasons Snowflakes, coba baca deh dijamin seru dan membuat penasaran bagi temen-temen yang suka novel fantasi klasik sejenis Lord of the Ring, Narnia, atau novel buatan Sitta Karina kayak Aerial. Two thumps buat penulisnya deh~~ btw ini ceritanya belum tamat, lg lanjut ke sequel keduanya


Just Shadow-
          maybe you never notice me when we were in high school.. I was your secret admirer. I always know when you got happy, excited, or fire up either when you sad, angry, or mad to someone... yeah i could read your face easily. Did you know that my eyes always darted to you, everytime and everywhere no matter what. Hope that you recognize me be your partner in the future, someday :)