
i really want to start a story on here, but i have no idea how to like do the cover and upload the stories daily. If you think you can help please inbox me. Thank you.


          In answer to your question from you bio: 
          I think beauty is the rush you get when you look at them; and it's not the rush of how attractive they look, it's the rush of how you want to hug them and cherish them and touch their skin and stroke their hair and want to love them so much, it physically hurts you. She's beautiful because she is the vision you want to wake up to you when you're having a rough day or the person you want to never let go of, and that, for me, is beauty. When you compel someone enough with something more than your looks, and they crave it like an addiction  you would never get sick of. 
          I feel like I just gave a lecture on beauty no one really cares about, but, oh, well cx 
          Wanted to stop by an say thank you so much for voting on, Why She Overdosed. It means more to me than you could possibly know and I wanted to say that I love hearing from you and I hope you continue to enjoy it!
          - Sarena x


Thank you so much, aw, I'm glad I could give you the answer you could like cx You're so adorable, my golly! Thank you so much, I hope you continue to like the story! :D


@sarena_a I didnt think no one was going to answer my question. Thank u alot I love your answer!!! nd I really care about the answer. Its my pleasure on voting tour book is just so good I love it!!!


hey love. so just recently, i published a new short story and it’s entitled "draft messages" it honestly needs support and i was wondering if you could give it? you could support it by voting and commenting. i honestly would appreciate it if you did. thanks so much! and sorry for bothering you <3


@disperks u dont bother me lol nd yes ill start commenting nd telling people aboit it 