
Hey!M-am mutat pe @UnicornLover1702 dar fac povesti in engleza asa ca daca vreti sa vedeti Great Family in engleza, follow that user!


Buna lumeee!Astazi voi face o promovare unei bune prietene a mea. 
          Contul ei este xThatOneLilyx  
          Are o singura poveste,care e foarte buna,dar are putini ochisori si putine voturi,iar eu zic sa o ajutam :)   
          Btw. Poveste e in engleza. 
          Hey everyone!Today I am going to promote one of my best friend's account. 
          Username: xThatOneLilyx 
          She has only one story,witch is really good,but it has not many views or votes,so let's help her. 
          Btw. The story is in english.