
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I hope you all get lots of candy and have a safe but also SPOOKAY NIGHT!! 


Your reading list made my cry :') ilysm bro


I'm a lunatic 


Btw it's 12:15 am here in NJ and I'm here watching superhero shows waiting for my boff to reply to my comments because I love her so much


Boff best online friends five ever that's even longer than forever


Hello Carley! I'm so sorry this is super late but recently my phone broke down and I'm feeling quite depressed lately but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I wish you all the best and how's it like being 15? Its awesome right? Do hope you had a good birthday! Anyways, thanks for being a supportive and helpful reader and friend. No words can describe how I'm thankful for your presence and I'm glad I have met you. God bless you and ur fam! Continue that sweet and bubbly happy attitude of yours, yeah? It could make anyone's day! Happy belated birthday once again!
          With all the love,
          DREA <3


Lol i tend to like long speeches wew. And your welcome! Anything for a fellow online pwend (;


Ps sorry for making it so long


Thanks Drea! I'm gonna be honest when I checked my phone the day after my bday I was a little sad that you didn't comment but I was like she must not have her phone but now that you did comment I'm so happy and I will keep my bubbly happy attitude. On a side note I'm really sorry your phone broke down and I really hope you feel better. I once had bad depression but now I'm much happier because I made this amazing best friend at school and I also have my first EVER online friend Drea I'm pretty sure you two have met but sadly she told me that she is feeling quite depressed lately and I hope you can tell her how awesome she is and that she should continue doing what she loves which I think is writing which btw she is AMAZING at! I don't care that this happy birthday message is late but just the fact that you remembered makes me happy and I really hope you feel less depressed after reading this. So thank you and if you don't mind I would like to know your birthday so I can wish you a happy birthday to you on yours.


Yay I just finished quarterlies on Friday and I got all A's on them! And I don't mean to brag or anything ( ok I do mean to brag but not in a mean way) but I got 107.5% on my social studies quarterly because I got everything right plus the extra credit! I'm soooooo happy!! YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!