
Yall I have a rant but it’s a good rant.. so last week actually for a while I had been asking my crush to come to this little youth group and he had said no and tdy guess what… HE SHOWED UP and so he was begging me to stay a bit longer and it was like AHHH bc he wanted to stay near me and he kept wanting to play with me and I got pics of him in 0.5 it’s so funny but AHHHH but yea and that’s all I gotta say


@Carlgrimeswifey4life just casually you found a computer anyway welcome back


@NobodyLikesPoop omg iwent missing for a sec but its cuz im grounded and i found this computer hidden under my bed


Yall I have a rant but it’s a good rant.. so last week actually for a while I had been asking my crush to come to this little youth group and he had said no and tdy guess what… HE SHOWED UP and so he was begging me to stay a bit longer and it was like AHHH bc he wanted to stay near me and he kept wanting to play with me and I got pics of him in 0.5 it’s so funny but AHHHH but yea and that’s all I gotta say


@Carlgrimeswifey4life just casually you found a computer anyway welcome back


@NobodyLikesPoop omg iwent missing for a sec but its cuz im grounded and i found this computer hidden under my bed