
New chapter up now enjoy


Hi I am going to try to update another chapter or two before the month is up on one of my stories but I am very busy right now with a project my grandfather is helping me with and finding a new job come the spring so I am not sure when I can update going to try to do a chapter within the next two weeks if possible but my grandfather is old and short tempered and he his spending his money on this property to leave me a nice home when he is gone I can pass down to any of my kids or rent out so please be patient since he is doing a lot to help even with him not being in great health I am looking forward to owning my own home even if I won’t stay in this area my entire life it will be held in a trust for any of my current and future kids


I have an idea for a new story which I might start tomorrow sometime I am busy so I can’t give a time frame for updates but one of my stories is almost finished the one with 17 chapters will be only 25 chapters unless I get more ideas


I am going to update soon hopefully by the end of next month but my grandfathers health is in trouble so I have to help him with some things and I haven’t got a new computer yet along with our internet acting werid so be patient I hope to update next month at the latest with at least a chapter for one of my stories


I am going to be kinda slow on updating but I am still going to try to put out a chapter a month but my computer is having issues now it’s nine years old now almost ten do I have to eventually see if I need to buy I new one so please be patient I will update when I can