
Carolyn goodman...say"s she wants to continue to be my mayor


katy I've gotten to a point where they see me somehow and even write down or know what I eat or contain inside my stomach. ....even am being written or looked at how I lay or position my legs......God god's that I walked towards the hall to the mail man spoke out loud or I heard his thought he said somthing about you......I think he said that I judged you or lost you.....I don't want to believe this katy I like you very much.....I do not want no harm to happen to you.......I to found a beanie and I do not know why I found it on top a tree ..but I just read an article about you putting a beanie over your face......what does this mean....does this mean that you were really here in Las Vegas the Saturday night..I imagined everything that reminded me of you........?


blue rose's have been dilivered to our apartment. .....they dried out ...I just realised because I was told leave them alone I did that....just looked at the vase and there is no water.......who's  blue rose's these are from the name jenny and Jimenez. ..card is there I have been tempted to look inside the envelope...but I have known some one has picked up a vase of roses from here as I fell asleep. ..... this is why I didn't think much of these rose's or think even to put water in them.........


I see your support for Morgan it? well he reminds me of me and that law freedom of expression and religion did you here about the jesuis is Charlie. .....ball and what happend to him in school and why he was out because he was others students all eyes on him....attention. ...and  clothing that is not a good reason to be taken out school....but those things happen to open up doors for that family.......they can sue the school or change this law or school.......or if the schools have problems with this than buy the students uniforms.......


well I get it .....persuasion. ......that's what happened between us and all other artist I imagined were with linq street.....but I choose you as the one that went all the way...spitually in the flesh you weren't with me you should receive the spiritual award.....I was trying my best to create las vegas as a reflection of many famous music artists. .....and that I can meet them in these places that remind me of them.....but imagine a street in Las Vegas that reflects on many musicians. ...artists .....the linq street is just the beginning. is 12:16 pm here