I made a new fanfic for you guys. If you like hellsing, i'm sure you'll like unholy blood as well. I have this idea in my head for quite some time and give it a shot on releasing them. Should I do alternate posting of fanfic or focus on one to finish it first? Feel free to comment for suggestions, advices, or violent reactions. Thank you and enjoy.
No matter how many times I play Bayonetta, it never fails me to get amazed how the devs pulled off these ridiculously beautiful concept. Kudos to Kamiya-san and Ikumi Nakamura for this awesome franchise.
Order XIV is out now. A conclusion to her fight against the two assassins. I've been out for weeks because of my bootcamp. Glad it's over and i can focus on this, guys. I hope you enjoy it.
ORDER XII is out guys...This part is intense i sure you. Don't forget to read the whole chapter and give a like, pls. Thank you.