
So how long have I been dead and when should I post my next chapters?


@Carlyismissing  whenever you can! Happy holidays!


Going on hiatus due to exam prep.


this message may be offensive
You’re late as fuck I just have artist block >:000


@Carlyismissing Good luck with the exams! Totally not 2 months late!


Status update
          Hi everyone!! I am so sorry to have been missing since July or June was it? I just been a bit caught up with life and started on some new projects and forgetting about the old! However, I will start working on the Lucius fanfic as soon as I can!! :OOO


The Lucius fanfic is like already been discontinued if I haven't been updating it recently. Like it or not, I am a procrastinator and not a actual good love story writer. Heck that story is more of siblings fighting, anyone else can write better than I~ But thanks for staying around and reading my fanfic, needed something to write cuz I feel like writing alot sometimes mostly my thoughts but I don't think people like to actually listen to my thoughts, especially if they repeat alot of things.