
avoir confiance en quelqu'un: 
          	It's back up again with a new chapter! 
          	Sorry for what happened yesterday, but it's been fixed! I sure hope is doesn't happen again ಠᴥಠ


Carmine! Hi! How are you! It’s been a while since you’ve been on so I hope your ok. I hope your living well and having a fun life!


@ToyBionny1987 hehe hey buddy, I've been well :D little tired from school and all but no big deal. I do check Wattpad on occasion so no fear heh. hope you're well too :)


avoir confiance en quelqu'un : 
          Apologies! Due to some technical difficulties on my phone, the story has been deleted. It'll be up again as soon as tomorrow or as late as next Wednesday depending on how fast I finish my school workload. 
          Since this happened, I might recheck the plot and change up some things, but I don't think it'll affect any of the chapters that have been posted too much. 
          Once again, I apologize and I'll try to get the story up again as soon as possible (and perhaps  a double post as a compensation for y'alls patience ^-^\)
          Thank you!


          Memories of Time is officially finished. 
          I'm kinda sad and happy at the same time. That's the first full fic I ever finished- ;v;. 
          Woah. Starting off 2020 with school and this just. WOWOWOWO I- "system overload." 


Words can't explain how embarrassed I become when I write kiss scenes. 
          And and *forgets momentarily what I wanted to say* 
          I'll publish a one shot today (or tomorrow) called "Can We Meet?". 
          KiriBaku Gamer/Coffee Shop/College AU. (:D -v-b). 
          And yes, I am working on MOT :D.